Friday, August 29, 2014

Riding the Escalator the Safest Way Possible

Escalators are one great invention that contributes largely to the convenience of people. No longer will the people have to endure climbing the steps especially when they have to reach a few floors. Also, disabled people, and all those that have lesser mobility, can have a chance to become more mobile without having to exert too much effort. Truly, the importance of escalators is recognized by everyone.

While this revolutionary machinery is appreciated for their convenience, it is inevitable for them to wear out. If this happens, they are more prone to cause accidents. This may cause severe trauma that can affect innocent people.

Riding an escalator is generally safe. There are safety features that ensure every rider to be comfortable and safe. However, when it is not maintained well, people can suffer from huge consequences. That is why it is important to keep the escalator well-functioning at all times and this is done by regular inspection and escalator cleaning.

What the Survey Says

In the recent survey, it was estimated that there are significant cases of accidents from an escalator ride. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are more than 10,000 people who were already injured via escalator riding. These cases were estimated to happened annually to different people.

In fact, Dr, Alan Nager of Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles said that the escalators can pose a significant danger without people, and authorities, recognizing it. Among the accidents recorded, it was found out that 70 percent of the injuries were due to falls. This is particularly related to children who usually play around while riding the escalator. Children who love to play around has more likely to stumble and fall during an escalator ride.

He added, "The child who tries to ride it backwards or tries to go from the bottom up to the top while it's rolling down -- those are all the kinds of mischievous behaviors that can lead to falls, broken bones and significant head trauma. In fact, escalator injuries are on the rise."

The Safe Practices

One of the safest practices to ensure a safe ride is regular escalator cleaning. The dust and other dirt may accumulate inside its parts and may cause damage. Further, it may also require expensive repair especially when the damage becomes severe.

Regular inspection should be done so that a tint of problem can be fixed immediately. More often than not, a tiny problem can cause huge accident if not given attention.

It is also good to remind the public to take precaution in riding the escalator. The parents should always be reminded to attend to their children while riding the escalator. As was mentioned earlier, children are more prone to accidents than adults.

Escalators are truly one of the convenient inventions ever to rule the world. However, they are also prone to wearing out and damage so it is best to check on them once in awhile. Better yet, have the escalators checked by a professional for a more efficient inspection.

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